The ROCK MAMA, named for being the MAMA of my son Stone who is my ROCK. However, the name has evolved to represent ME, my struggles, my trials, my strength, and overcoming them.  


I recently shared my journey with breast cancer but the whole truth has never been told. I went through a dark time and there were moments I could not seem to find the light. I was struggling with depression while learning how to be a single mom for the first time. I’m here to show you that you will make it through to the other side. Your rainbow is coming! 


My love for people is indescribable. I LOVE people! I am a big believer in seeing the GOOD in people, no matter what. I believe in the golden rule... treat people as you want to be treated. There have been many cruel people in my life. I am a positive person, so positive that it annoys the shit out of some people. They don’t quite believe I am the real human I am. I can’t give back enough, It’s in my nature.  

for the love of people

However, the truth is if the title wasn’t “The Rock Mama” it would be called “A Hot Mess Mama”. I am FAR from perfect, I am harder on myself than anyone else. I am a single mom to a 16 year old boy and ohhhh my! This has been a struggle and I have a lot to learn about raising a teen and myself for these matters. I try each and every day to be a better human and hopefully shine a light on others and encourage others to do the same. I don’t have a judgmental bone in my body except when it comes to myself. 


I a super health freak. This began after becoming a mom. When my son was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 20 months, at that moment my life changed forever. I’ll never forget the first night of his diagnosis. As emotionally exhausted as the news was, I didn’t sleep. I stayed up all night researching as much as I could and learned as much as I could and how I could help my son.  


I have Jenny McCarthy to thank as I read her book cover to cover. She inspired me that I could do it. It became a passion of mine and a promise to help my son as naturally as I could and to never give him any pharmaceuticals. Please don’t forget what I said earlier I do not have a judgmental bone in my body. If this is something you have chosen to do for your family or yourself I believe that we all have different stories and paths that we’re led to take.

thank you jenny mccarthy

I was blessed to be a stay-at-home mom for my son’s first few years of life. I was gifted with the opportunity to take care of a young girl the same age as my son, she was an answer to a prayer. We were able to enjoy the days together and my son had a daily playmate. These were by far the best days of my life. If I could’ve dreamt of a perfect world I would’ve had a house full of babies, 11 would make a great family football team.


When it was time to make some money the restaurant business came into my life. It was the only job I could work nights and weekends so I could be there for my son during therapies and his challenging school days. My entire life revolved around him.


I was a bartender for 11 years. As I mentioned, I love people, all kinds of people. It was my motto to be sure people left in a better mood than when they walked in. I was more of a mindful mixologist than a bartender. I would make my regulars delicious healthy cocktails on request. I refused to use grenadine for the kids I knew so I learned how to make my own without food dyes and sugar. We should all be conscious of what we put into her body.  


I have been a hustler most of my life naturally being raised by a single father who balanced raising me and owning a successful business. He definitely paves the way for me being a single mom trying to juggle it at all now.


Being a mom gave me the passion to be an entrepreneur. My first business was “My Pole Party, I was the first to bring pole dancing parties to the privacy of people's homes or hotels in Florida. My motto was “you don’t lose your clothes, just your inhibitions”. 


This business began after losing the feeling of being sexy as a young new mom.  
It was an empowering business and I will always feel forever proud of it. My greatest compliments were when women would tell me what a spark it brought back to their marriage and most of all to themselves. Confidence is sexy. With time I got my own sexy back.  


Before becoming a mama I was a bit of a gypsy. I’ll never forget my dad saying to me when I got married “I never thought someone would clip your wings.” By the time I was married I had traveled throughout the country and the world, living in Japan twice. First time as a kindergarten teacher, my first occupation, and the second time as a singer and dancer with a group called Up With People. Our mission was to make the world a better place. This week by far the BEST year ever before becoming a mama.


I’m now a proud publisher of a magazine in my neighboring communities where we “Connect neighbors and businesses one story at a time.” My happy hours look different now. I’m not at a bar but on the beach every morning witnessing the sunrise. I’m not singing around the world but I sing at an assisted living facility where my best friend of almost 97 years lived at.  


Through these pages, you will learn how I battled breast cancer, got through the loss of a job and heartbreak, as well as Covid, emergency back surgery, and the sudden loss of our favorite fur baby and my best friend all while being a single mom to a teenage hormonal boy. Sadly there is much more to the story. The last two years of my life are going to sound like a very depressing country song but how I turned it into worship. 


In this blog, you’ll hear about how I changed my lifestyle and diet completely. The HOW TO’s to get yourself through almost everything. Recipes and even some delicious healthy cocktails that can be made with or without alcohol. My prayer is that I encourage you, motivate you, and inspire you. I made it through to the other side… And so will YOU!  

We are all ROCK MAMAS!


xo Heather

tell it like it is
faithful friendships
life long learners

CONNECTIONS... Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
SUPPORTIVE ENERGY... feeling seen, heard, and valued without judgement
LOVING STRENGTH... building lasting relationships



grateful beyond words that you show up and open up to let us be guided through both the good and tough times by sharing your stories, insights, and never ending love for people. 

xo shari